New entries are in REDBoats, engines and trailers:
General What's your budget? Does it fit your needs? In the long run, it doesn't cost that much more to go "First Class" Buy the highest horsepower the boat is rated for Silver and black are 2 colors to avoid on the cap unless you want to be blinded or fry Read your owner's manual(s) Performance You can't outrun physics No, it can't run that fast. Get a GPS. You can still lie about it, but you know the TRUTH. More speed gets you from one fish to the next sooner, but sometimes it just plain feels good to go fast Speed is a measurement of efficiency, not necessarily an objective Prop it for the maximum recommended RPM plus 2-300 if you can stay on the power curve. Your mechanic should have peak power specs Get a foot throttle Raise the engine as high as you can without dropping below minimum required water pressure or losing speed, then learn to drive it there Generally, when it breaks loose or goes into extreme chinewalk, hold the wheel straight and trim down. Don't chop the throttle; back off it smoothly If you haven't scared yourself, you know neither your limits, nor your boat's (see above) Now clean out the seat, do it again and get it right (see above) Roostertails look kool, but how much speed do you want to lose? If you do not have a jackplate (or are not ready to change the engine mounting), you cannot properly evaluate the potential differences in ANY two props.
Trailer(ing) Yes, get trailer brakes No, don't pull a 3000+ pound rig with a small tow vehicle Never trailer your electronics Did you remove (or hook up) the hold-downs and the motor toter? How about the winch strap? Is the plug in? Where are the keys? Got a float on them?
Fish are where you find them There are very few "Pros", but a lot of "pros" "Fishing for a living" is hard work The Corps will always start dropping the lake on tournament day Whether you fish tournaments or not, buy or build a culling system if you're going to put fish in the live well. You will help minimize stress on the fish by reducing handling Trolling at 70 is not recommended No matter which manufacturer and model, troll motors have only 2 speeds: too fast and too slow
"Common" sense:
"Common" courtesy isn't, but it doesn't cost you anything either Opinions and facts frequently don't coincide Always wear your PFD and kill switch when operating above idle speed People may laugh at you for wearing a helmet, but rain (or another airborne object) hurts, even at 30 MPH Most boats leave less wake at WOT than at 10 MPH, but NO WAKE is idle! Use your running lights. They are a pain when fishing, but getting a citation or getting run over is more painful
ALL ORIGINAL material contained within this site copyright © 1996-2017 by Ken Cook