Last updated: 03/27/17
I'vetracked visitors to KenCook.net from countries other than the U.S. (.com, .net, .org, .edu, .us, .gov, .mil) and thought it would be interesting to list them:
Argentina (.ar)
Australia (.au)
Austria (.at)
Belgium (.be)
Bermuda (.bm)
Botswana (.bw)
Brazil (.br)
Brunei Darussalam (.bn)
Canada (.ca)
Chile (.cl)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (.cc)
Croatia (.hr)
Cyprus (.cy)
Czech Republic (.cz)
Denmark (.dk)
Dominican Republic (.do)
Estonia (.ee)
Egypt (.eg)
Finland (.fi)
France (.fr)
Germany (.de)
Greece (.gr)
Guatemala (.gt)
Hong Kong (.hk)
Hungary (.hu)
Iceland (.is)
India (.in)
Indonesia (.id)
Ireland (.ie)
Israel (.il)
Italy (.it)
Japan (.jp)
Latvia (.lv)
Lithuania (.lt)
Malaysia (.my)
Mexico (.mx)
Mongolia (.mn)
Namibia (.na)
Netherlands (.nl)
New Zealand (.nz)
Norway (.no)
Pakistan (.pk)
Peru (.pe)
Poland (.pl)
Portugal (.pt)
Romania (.ro)
Russian Federation (.ru)
Saudi Arabia (.sa)
Singapore (.sg)
Slovak Republic (.sk)
South Africa (.za)
South Korea (.kr)
Spain (.es)
Sweden (.se)
Switzerland (.ch)
Thailand (.th)
Taiwan (.tw)
Tanzania (.tz)
Tonga (.to)
Trinidad and Tobago (.tt)
Turkey (.tr)
Ukraine (.ua)
United Kingdom (.uk)
Uraguay (.uy)
Venezuela (.ve)
Yugoslavia (.yu)
Zimbabwe (.zw)
Thanks to ALL for visiting the site. I hope you've found something of value!