Internet Bassin' Rallys
Last updated: 03/27/17
I've left this page as it was, but it appears the phenomenon petered out. Most of these links don't work or haven't seen activity for years. I will search out some old friends and see what's goin' on.
"Rallys" are a relatively new concept in Bass Fishing. As an "Internet Phenomenon", they are the result of folks from literally everywhere talking over the "net" and deciding to get together at a particular lake to meet one another face to face, make new friends and participate in low key competition. From the first Rally@Fork (TX) Memorial Day weekend 1997, Rallys have "gone national". Rallys have also been held at Guntersville (AL), Watt's Bar (TN), Seminole (GA), Clear Lake (CA) and Pickwick (AL/MS/TN).
Hats, towels, food, and a few freebies from manufacturers are to be had for a modest registration fee of about $30-40. Manufacturers often donate products, and the top finishers get plaques, but there's no prize money. Most of all, the time to sit around and tell "fishin' stories" and share information make a Rally a great place to be.
Although fish are brought in to be weighed, rallys aren't "tournaments" in the normal sense. Allowable "stringers" range from one to three fish (depending on the lake) per session. "Bragging rights" far outweigh (pun intended) any prize that may have been donated by manufacturers for the top finishers.
The following is a list of Annual "Rally Sites" on the internet (dates for current year):
Event ST Month Website/Message Board Rally@Guntersville AL September 21-23 Rally@Pickwick AL October Rally@Clear Lake CA August Rally@KY Lake KY April Rally@Watts Bar TN June TBA Rally@Fork TX May (Memorial Day weekend) Rally@Potomac VA June The Northern California NCCs (Nut Case Classics) began in January, 1998. There are have been several of these, randomly put together as interest is generated (The Rally@Clear Lake is technically an NCC, but is an Annual event). I consider NCC I the grandfather of "Mini-Rallys".
"Mini-Rallys" are generally more localized and less structured events and have been as much fun for the participants as the "big" Annual Rallys. There have been several in Texas (Ray Roberts, Stillhouse Hollow, Whitney and Amistad) and more are being scheduled both here and nationally. If you schedule a Mini, please send me an e-mail and I'll add it to the list below:
Event ST Date Website/Message Board Amistad TX October 26-28 Mini-Rally@Mission MN June Ray Roberts TX April (T) indicates Tentative
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